Voidcall – Making Of 09/2024
The amazing challenges of implementing a real-time strategy game in 13kb of JavaScript
MPEG1 Single file C library 06/2024
The what, why and how of an MPEG1 decoder in a single file C library
Rewriting Pagenode 12/2018
The CMS I began writing 14 years ago, now released as a library
Underrun – Making Of 09/2018
How I compressed a twin-stick WebGL shooter game into 13kb of JavaScript
Reverse Engineering WipEout (PSX) 04/2015
A Model Viewer for the original WipEout for PSX. A detailed journey into the 20 year old data formats of the game.
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The screencast/making-of of a simple 3D game for WebGL.
9 Years of Sleep 05/2010
Weird sleep cycles produce pretty graphs.